World College of Medical Sciences & Research is taking up initiatives to fulfil the need of community in respect of their health needs remaining our main focus. Apart from actual Medicare, we also take-up information, education and communication (IEC) activities among the neighboring locality to take-up and upgrade their hygienic condition by conducting frequent visits and by organizing continuing medical education (CME) programs on concerned issues.
Considering the poor Geo economic condition of the surrounding area ie. mainly rural, we offer transport to the needy patient for bringing them to our health care delivery points from their residences. At our hospital we provide all medical care eg. OPD, Indoor, casualty, ICU, ICCU,NICU PICU, MICU, SICU, Labour room, Operations(both major and minor) services. Besides these we also offer all generic medicines free of cost. Even specialized investigations eg. x-ray, Ultra sound, blood transfusion and banking, pathological investigations, cancer detection, immunization, RNTCP(DOTS) and Other related program and services free of cost. Our institution though a private sector in providing health care services fully understand the responsibility of self driven CSR fulfill / supplement the public health care services being provided by the government structure.
Our gesture and efforts have continuously been appreciated by various government, public, politicians and media people at several occasions.